Seeking Solace

Seeking solace in nature’s embrace has been the theme of my life these past few years, and even more so in the past few months. I’ve struck a bond with the land behind my home especially, in which I take care of it and it takes care of me. I take my stress, anxiety, anger, …


I feel the old magic coming back, and I believe I’m moving closer to my goals. Perhaps this is just the short road towards insanity. Perhaps my physical issues will soon incapacitate me and make daily life near impossible. Any number of potential issues lie ahead. However, there is also hope that those things which …


It’s been 22 years now since I began this unexpected journey in recovery. It’s been a hell of a ride, with all its ups and downs, but I can’t imagine ever wanting to go back to the life I led. I’m still a flawed individual, no doubt there, but compared to who I was, I’ve …

A Mind of Its Own

Battling mental illness on a conscious level is no mean feat. By this I mean being fully aware of the illness, the way your own mind works, the situations and people surrounding you, and the effects that they have, while attempting as best you can to maneuver the curves as they come along. There is …

Straight Up

In the beauty of reflection,Shadow comes to life.Illusion becoming sacrosanct,You peer into my soul.Barriers now opening,Balanced heart and mind.Soothing animosity,Your waters make me whole. By day moving ever forward,Beneath the Father’s gaze.In night, the Mother finds me,Bringing comfort and rest.His fire stretching outward,Creating life and will to be.Her cool glow draws me near,Embraced unto her …

True Purpose

I often question things like purpose in life, as all of us do. Looking for direction and meaning in everything I do, wondering what the karmic effect might be for each and every situation. Sometimes I join the procession of unconscious thought, and just go along with everyone around me. Perhaps it will have a …