The Fabric

I often wonder why it is that I’m here, and whether the life of one man really makes a difference. Is it really all just about this day to day existence? Grow up, get educated, get a job so you can afford to have a family and children, so you can raise them to grow …

Break It Down

Diatribe of persephone, Anubis claims his due. Broken arrow of malevolence Inching towards what’s true. Bring down the heavens, Portrayed in hindered sight. Forester of ignorance, Bastardize the weak ones’ plight. Feces covered membrane, Rotting in your coil. Break this world down, Bury it within the soil. Growing ever higher, Reaching towards the stars. Aligning …

Final Birth

Before the beginning of memory,Your breath, blood and bone gave life.A time of peaceful slumber,Nestled within your strife. The moment of separation,As you suffered nature’s course.Now tasked with love and care,Of a helpless and senseless force. Your sacrifice never ceasing,Giving all for decades to come.The souls you issued forth,Themselves need saving from. No recompense will …

From the Dream We Return

Crisp air of the seasons,Shifting awareness to the Fall.Like leaves descending the tree,Life’s movements come to us all.Fluttering down softly,We lay within the stream.Carried ever gently,As we wake from the dream.The waters ever changing,Rocks breaking the placidity.Then moving to loving stillness,Euphoria ours to see.The bumps and bruises come and go,The treacherous paths we face.To reach …


It finds us all, as we cross the river. In every moment of sleep, it sweeps us away. With every transformation, Reborn from the husk of past life. The balance of black and white, Decay bringing new life. Those of faith, the child, the believer, Turn not away, but embrace and wonder. As it guides …