This Moment

Let fear and control fade away, The past remaining there to stay. The myriad of presuppositions remain unknown, In the void of time to be thrown. The rarity of this moment, Sublime and fickle beast. All is heaven sent, None greatest and none least. Let tears run down thy face, In this moment, this place. …

Natural Order

Tears of heaven swirling, In the blackness of the night, The winds of change howling, Begging for a fight. As the rage of mother’s nature, Rains down with all its fury. The populace takes shelter, With fear and constant worry. The passerine continue, Singing their wondrous song The foragers scurry on, To toil among their …

You Wanted This

In this moment, The skies have gone red. An ache in the chest reaches, As the heart begins to burn. You will find no love in my eyes, No soul for which to care. This shadow longs to hold you, Flaying skin from your bones. Black death wriggling, With bloody anticipation. The knife from my …


What is this life but a passing moment, From the perspective of the mind. Forever pushing forward, To reach the final destination. Knowing things are not linear, Accepting the subjectivity. Yet so wrapped in delusion, Fighting for more than we deserve. This moment, this space in time, This is all that we are or can …

The Dark Womb

Travel low in the abyss, Welcomed with darkened kiss. Truth spoken deep inside, Fulfill your charge, relinquish pride. Let go child, the time is near, Forgo all plan, release all fear. Walk beyond, into what’s passed, Within flame, the die is cast. Enveloped with destructive force, This lunar trial now plots a course. Facades of …

Maelstrom of Divinity

True freedom of life is not acquired, Without risk and or weight. There is no stencil or mass production, Being something you alone create. It is not bought, stolen, borrowed, Nor given, taught or passed down. Your task leads through chaos, A vast stream of forgotten memories. Its waters teem with the life of thought, …

Release and Rebuild

Digging through layers of history, The ignorant child forced to account. Bleeding through the subconscious, Dreams filled with isolation and blame. Past, present, future as one, All revealing the same root. Waking to the crackling storm, Feeling the billowing rage within and without. With every flash and rumble, Longing for the destruction and chaos. Forces …

Rage Distilled

Transported to flowery pasture, The great oak, tall on the hill. A fox now your ally, About to test your will. Descending within the tree, Sliding down the spiral path. The fox a beast, a head of three, Preparing to face your wrath. The portal opens to darkness, Illuminated by what you fear. A giant …