Jordan Lake, Apex NC
With the rain, came warmer weather, and a chance at some prime camping spots during the off-season. I only wish I had more time to enjoy this visit.
With the rain, came warmer weather, and a chance at some prime camping spots during the off-season. I only wish I had more time to enjoy this visit.
Some images from recent journeys and walking meditation.
Once again, the heart leaves the body,Dancing away, with all yuletide cheer.The jagged wounds that would kill,Exposing emptiness and fear.Clutching the pain ever so closely,Owning the cross to bear.As the converse fills so grossly,Of the joy and love held dear. Suffering this gladly,Salt seeping from the wounds.Remembrance done fondly,Venturing on towards the dunes.The desert mother …
A vast trench inhibiting destinationWith a forthright coming of nuanceA gray light enters this beautiful landscapeA horror within reaching for the stars Discomfort spawning inactionGrowing into a lazy breath of lifeGiving in to satisfactionsTo comfort the lords of strifeMy life, my death, an inner dreamRefusing that which can’t be seenRelease the worry and painTake not …
This day is filled with discomfort and a low-level sadness pervading the subconscious realms of my mind. I long for something on which I cannot place my finger. That thing I’ve been journeying after as long as I’ve been breathing, yet it is so undefinable, I feel more adrift the longer I seek it. The …
After a period of utilizing cognitive behavioral therapy, I began seeing progress in my day to day life and in processing all that has happened over the years. I’ve begun to come to terms with who and what I am. I’ve seen where things in the past have defined me for too long, and I …
Took a short overnight trip to the Linville Gorge Wilderness and drove up Old NC Hwy 105. I was preoccupied ensuring the safety of my progeny, so this is the best photo I have without them in it. I plan on another journey solo in the future to include the the Linville Falls and the …