Complete Absence

Commemorate moment of absence,In this void of maternal joy.Longing for their presence,Despondent little boy. Seeking eternal providence,Finding tendrils beneath the tree.Rooted within darkness,Stretching out to the sea. Be not downtrodden,Raise thy horizontal brow.Such fruits this tree laden,Awaiting solemn vow. Above, the senseless heavens,Surrounding all that ever was.The future is eleven,For all a seven does. Riddles …

Touch This Moment

A chill in the air, Demeter’s entrance to the year. Equinox approaching, tipping scales of darkness to earth.  Inconceivable moments, outpacing all that was known. Every rite, every book, every name spoken, all fades in the abyss. Higgs breaching to the fore. Aural vibrations, resounding spirits abound. Emancipating fear, releasing pain, entranced with what surrounds …

Learning to Swim

I’m intrigued by Aleister Crowley’s assertion: “The whole idea of sin and redemption is a direct metaphysical creation of the slave spirit.” (The Gospel According to Saint Bernard Shaw) The Roman use of Catholicism to keep their subjects subservient and meek with promises of a reward in heaven, while consuming and transmuting their traditions in …

Dusk of A New Age

From light to dark, the universal pull intrigues with its depths. Dazzling with painter’s brush, lavish colors shift each breath. A fiery passion blazing, scorching all in arms reach. Fading into the abyss, leading beyond the breach. Gazing into the expanse, outside the temporal frame. Sitting within darkness, exposing distant flames. Wondrous senses beckon, fear …

Letting Go

I do my best not to get wrapped up in the drama of day to day life, and for the longest time I had closed myself off from it all, just living my life on the periphery. I was relatively happy in what became a basic existence and managed to create something of a normal …

From Death Comes New Life

Out of a barren wasteland of death and destruction,Comes lush and verdant blooms of creation.Are we so removed from this natural rhythm,Our corpses fed upon by a hungry schism? Searching for balance and order, creating false borders.Seeking purpose and meaning, forever feening.Purpose built without a clue.Delusional grip on limited view. Be stilled in the wild, …